Well, dear Liza it’s true. It's Sara here. I've noticed an interesting pattern with my clients recently. They’re doing all the “right” things to refuel their tanks…they’re getting massages, creating time for connection with their families and friends, they're taking white space, but alas, they’re still feeling drained. This is a problem.
Last week, one of my clients casually mentioned she had a leak in her oil tank of her car. She kept putting oil in, and then a day or two later, she would need more. Because I’m a big fan of the humor of the Universe, we explored how this “leak” might be a mirror for what’s going on with her energy. After a short while, she realized she worked very hard at putting energy in her life, but because of a few energetic “leaks”, she never stayed full very long. Maybe you can relate?
Here are common ways we all tend to “leak” energy:
1. Worrying: We worry about things we can’t control. The next review, the deadline, our kids’ future, the planet. You name it, we worry about it. Worry does nothing but churn through energy. I’m all for utilizing energy if you get something in return, but worry won’t ever produce anything other than exhaustion (and more worry)!
2. Carrying Undue Burden: Here’s a quick way to drain yourself: take responsibility for something that’s not yours to do, over-provide for someone else (think about your employees or children) or stay in a relationship that’s not reciprocal. Every time we carry a load that’s not ours, we leak our precious energy.
3. Not Following Your Knowing: Have you ever had a hunch about something, ignored it and went with something “more logical”? Our intuition is always trying to get our attention. Sometimes it through our sensations, our dreams, or thoughts. Every time you step over what you “know”, it drains your energy.
So many of our clients are committed to transforming their lives and we love them for it. But transformation takes a lot of energy. If we can’t plug up the energetic leaks, then all the “refueling” in the world won’t be effective and we won't get to our destination. In the “Easy Tools” section below there are three tools you can use right away to help plug up your energetic leaks. Also, be sure to check out the “Upcoming Events” section to details on Sara’s new class “Energy 101”.
ENERGY 101: Discover a New Experience of Life
**Tuesday, August 3rd from 5:30pm-7:30pm, Seattle, WA**
We’re all made of energy, yet we forget to consider the power of energy in our day-to-day lives. This interactive, 2-hour workshop may be for you if you’ve ever:
- Felt drained or cranky after spending time with someone close to you
- Walked into a room and noticed that you suddenly felt different
- Sensed what someone was feeling or thinking without them telling you
- Felt inexplicably energized after a short conversation with someone you just met
- Noticed your intuition is, at times easier to access
- Harness your energy and use it more efficiently
- Sense and read your own energetic field
- Protect yourself from people that make you feel drained
- Fine tune your energetic antenna to make better decisions and help others
**Eight Weeks starting September 20 or 21 – Live in Seattle or via teleconference with Michele**
If you’ve been yearning to learn more about your feminine (and masculine) power, this is the program! Depleted? Feeling less fun? Wanting more satisfaction in your work, your relationships, and your me time (what me time?!?)? In eight weeks, you’ll get the training, the community support, and just the right nudges to integrate amazing changes in your life. This is the pre-launch announcement, just for our e-zine subscribers, so if you want to know more, send an e-mail to earlybird@workingwithpower.com and you’ll get advance notice when this program opens for registration, plus a $20-off discount code, good even for the early-bird rate.
**October 15-17, 2010 – Alderbrook Resort, Hood Canal, WA**
After our amazing retreat in April, we knew immediately we wanted to offer a fall retreat. So, mark your calendars ladies because this is an event you don’t want to miss.
The retreat is an amazing weekend at Alderbrook Resort and Spa near Hood Canal, WA where we guide you ever-so-gently through how to succeed at work and life without those nasty side effects like stress, anxiety, pressure, perfectionism and well, you name it! We dive into the how to integrate our “yin” skills or as we call them, the six elements of Feminine Power with your already well-developed “yang” or Masculine skills. Who knew that using BOTH sets of skills at life and work would make things so much easier? Oh, did we mention that it includes a spa treatment of your choice, amazing food, fantastic women and cool gifts throughout the weekend? Ninety-five percent of our participants tell us the weekend was life changing...so much so that participants come back 2, 3 and 4 times.
The retreat is set for October 15-17, 2010. The retreat - and the transformation - begin when you register, so why not put the stake in the
ground for yourself sooner rather than later? You know you want it...and we want it FOR you! If you want to talk through how we can make this happen or have more questions, just call us and we’d love to talk. Call 206-686-3670.
Click here to learn more, register and read what past participants have said about this amazing experience.
The following tools have helped us and our clients gain energy almost immediately. Please e-mail us and let us know your questions and experiences with them.
The first step to reclaiming your energy is to notice where you’re losing it. Take a look at your life and notice where you’re feeling most drained. Is it when you’re with a certain friend or co-worker? Is it when you walk in the door to your messy house? Some of your leaks may be visible to you and some may not. If you can’t identify them yourself, ask someone you trust to help you. You’d be surprised at how much your friends know about your energetic leaks. You may not like their answers, but be curious about what they’re telling you.
When you find yourself worrying about something that’s not within your control, (or none of your beeswax) then turn your attention elsewhere. Focus on what you DO want. Ask yourself “What do I need right now?” and give yourself that. Focus your energy on what you can control. Also, check out the book “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks. He talks about worry and simply reading this book will help transform your energy.
We know you. You are a smart cookie. You think through all of your options before making a decision. You choose your words carefully. You take calculated steps forward. But, dang that can be exhausting! Try loosening up a bit. Your intuition won’t steer you wrong. Blurt more. Take action when you get a “hunch”. Pick something based on your gut or heart’s desire rather than your logic. You might just be amazed at how much energy you could harness by following your intuition.
May this article help you gain more energy today and everyday by plugging up the “leaks” in your life. Looking forward to connecting with you soon!
Sara and Michele
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"By Sara Harvey Yao, MA and Michele Lisenbury Christensen , MA , PCC. Please visit http://www.workingwithpower.com to read more about the 12 Elements of Power, and to receive your special report, "Refueling Mid-Flight"
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